Bay of Plenty Region

Bay of Plenty Region

Bidfood - Rotorua

150 Te Huaki Crescent, Eastgate, Rotorua

Phone: 07 345 9104


Unit 10/38 Ashley Place, Papamoa, Tauranga

Phone: 07 542 1887

Bidfood - Tauranga

71 Hotuhotu Street, Tauriko, Tauranga

Phone: 07 543 4016

Service foods Tauranga

71 Maleme Street, Greerton, Tauranga

Phone: 07 541 0137

Jasco Distributing - Rotorua

27 White Street, Rotorua

Phone: 07 347 2907

Lloyd Holt Packaging

120 A Lake Road, Rotorua

Phone: 07 348 5517